
Habbo: This is our future

I suspect that many reading this will not know of Habbo, and why should they? It is something for teenagers, you can’t buy it in the shops and the only […]

Many years ago, when I was young, we had a pop/rock music revolution. And it belonged to us, the young generation. And all the old people, like 25 and over, […]

When it has luminaries like Michael Grade (executive chairman of ITV) in charge. Just what was he thinking about when he said that video games exist in a ‘moral vacuum’ compared to […]

When I sold my computer store, Microdigital, to Laskys (part of the Ladbroke group of companies) in the early 1980s one of the first things they did was to bundle me off […]

The so called console cycle sees new generations of machines released approximately every 5 to 6 years, but having a production life of around 10 years. So the generations overlap. This enables […]