Marketing and Distribution in the Digital Age – May 8th, 2009

The 1st Annual MIT Sloan BiG (Business in Gaming) conference will take place on Friday, May 8th, 2009, at the MIT Sloan campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The conference seeks to bring together industry leaders, game developers, professors and students from leading MBA institutions such as MIT and Harvard to discuss the future of the gaming industry.

The theme for this year’s event: “Marketing and Distribution in the Digital Age”, explores the current evolution of the gaming industry as it is set to exceed those of both the music and movie industries. Now especially, when the economy is slowing down, we will examine innovative ways to market and distribute games cheaply but effectively through the digital media.

The conference will include keynotes and panel discussions, which will provide an engaging and interactive forum for industry professionals and student leaders to share their views on these highly relevant topics.