Gambling as a video game business model
The eternal problem of selling a video game as a stand alone package is that it can and will be stolen. If people think that they can get away with […]
The eternal problem of selling a video game as a stand alone package is that it can and will be stolen. If people think that they can get away with […]
After nearly 30 years the unholy Wintel alliance is over. Microsoft have finally realised that there are other processors in the world and have embraced the ARM chip. Superficially this […]
I thought that with the way things are going in the video game industry just now it would be good to give one person’s view as to what is going […]
I have started an completely new blog and it has absolutely nothing to do with video games. It is Bruceonshaving.com. More and more people are joining the real shaving revolution. […]
You can do the same: info@nickclegg.com, leader@libdems.org.uk, libdemleader@parliament.uk, nickclegg@sheffieldhallam.org.uk, cleggn@parliament.uk Hi Nick, You asked for input on laws that need removing. This is one of the prime ones. The English […]
I am sorry about not posting for so long without keeping you informed. Basically the Evony thing caused a huge backlog of normal stuff that needed doing. So we visited […]
In the early hours of this morning Guy Kewney died, from cancer, at his home in London. I have written about Guy before, as a journalist he was the colossus […]